Wilbur Soot

Full Name Will Gold
Subscibers 5 770 000
Age 24

Wilbur Soot

📷 Camera

What camera does Wilbur Soot use?

Wilbur Soot uses Logitech C922 Pro Stream webcam for streaming his videos.

💡 Lighting

What lighting does Wilbur Soot use?

🎤 Microphone

What mic does Wilbur Soot use ?

Wilbur Soot uses different mics: Rode NT1 and Blue Yeti.

⌨️ Keyboard

What keyboard does Wilbur Soot use?

🖥️ PC specs

What computer and PC specs does Wilbur Soot use?
Also used by:

Wilbur Soot setup

In different videos, you can see Wilbur Soot using different mics, but you never see the complete setup, so here it is.

Wilbur Soot 8

  1. Wilbur Soot has an Intel Core i7-10700k processor with a 2070 super, from tommy’s new laser eyes video.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SUsWWI3Rk8

    its a video where he reveals and builds his pc and setup, you might want to check it out

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